That there are inconsistencies with discrimination is likely little surprise. The nature of discrimination is to differentiate and discern differences. That anti-discrimination can also be so inconsistent or contradictory, however, warrants further thought. The issue of same-sex marriage, or gay marriage to use another term, is something which continues to strike discord amongst many. There are those for it. Often gay couples, annoyed and dismayed by the fact that two consenting adults whom love one another are all too often unable to be married. Apart from an expression of love and commitment, marriage has various legal and financial ramifications conveyed to a spouse but not necessarily to a de facto partner. There are those against it. Often drawing a line in the sand on religious grounds, that a marriage must be between a man and a woman. That somehow, allowing same-sex marriage supposedly degrades the institution of marriage and may pave the way ...
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Customer Loyalty – A two-way street?
Customer or consumer, loyalty can be a tenuous thing. There is little doubt that a business selling something, be it a good or a service, is attempting to profit in some way from the transaction. A customer may buy on the grounds that the perceived value they will receive is worth at least the money that they’ll part with. In saying this, once a customer is generally familiar (and not dissatisfied) with something, they will tend to use it again. There is a general inertia, or “stickiness” as some describe it, in customer behaviour and preferences. This is not entirely irrational. There is a search cost, time and money spent, in finding something new. People generally also prefer to avoid uncertainty. So sticking with what you know, is often the easiest approach. Therein brand loyalty tends to arise. Yet in saying this, it’s curious (said perhaps euphemistically), the ways in which businesses often exploit ...
Read More »Thoughts on the Bench Press?
When it comes to lifting weights, the bench press forms one of the big three lifts (along with the squat and deadlift). Three lifts, that when combined, are believed to be enough to develop impressive overall strength and conditioning. The question of how much that strength and conditioning carries over into into general sports remains a somewhat debated issue. Yet people will continue to do push ups without considering this question. So when it comes to the bench press, what are your thoughts? Play uthinki Feature Image Credit: jason.lengstorf
Read More »Why Julia Gillard is still Labor’s Leader
Over months, if not years, the embattled Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has managed to hold onto both her position as PM and the leader of the Australian Labor Party (ALP). After failing to win the 2010 federal election decisively with a clear majority, yet managing to form a minority Government, Julia’s grip on power has been tenuous, albeit just enough. A fact reiterated on the 21st March 2013, with the latest Labor leadership spill, this time initiated by Simon Crean. With a voice that some Australians find less pleasant than fingernails scaping down a blackboard, Julia has repeatedly irked many Australians, whom have called for her removal. This has been largely borne of the way in which she came to the position of the PM. Regardless of one’s political views, knifing Kevin Rudd in the back for the top job, has not sat well with many Australians. Perhaps oversimplifying things, the paradox of voting states ...
Read More »Whereto Mother Russia?
Russia is a mix of revolutionary reforms and vestiges of the past. A sprawling mass of land, it is country rich in natural resources, culture, and science. With an attractive flat tax rate of 13 percent, even for foreigners provided they’re present in the country for 183 days of the year, Russia is moving forward with economic incentives aimed at promoting business and investment in the economy. This is in contrast to many other countries where the supposed solution has been to drop the official interest rates set by their respective central banks to near zero, and other unconventional monetary policy approaches. Yet Russia is also known for its strict political measures and the controls imposed on its citizens. Such as banning milk with a rainbow logo on it because it’s potentially gay-related; or imprisoning citizens for exercising their opinions because freedom of speech is not a right they have. At the heart of much ...
Read More »Kim Kardashian’s Vampire Facial
Not that whacky news out of Hollywood and news about Kim Kardashian are any strangers to one another, but now there’s apparently a truth stranger than fiction: Kim Kardashian gets vampire facials! By extracting your own blood and then reinjecting into your face, under medical supervision of course, you can apparently take on the youthful look of a vampire. Nothing says anti-ageing quite like the undead. At least these facials are using real blood, unlike the sparkle-in-the-sun vegan ‘vampires’ of the Twilight world. (So that explains R-Patz?) Meanwhile, as prophesised, many continue to await the birth of Kim and Kanye’s child. If the vampire facials indicate anything, the baby will be called Blade. This has others wondering though, if it’s vampire facials today, what famous monster will be the next “in thing” when it comes to celebrity beauty techniques? Maybe it’s not a Creature from the Black Lagoon day spa, but some crazy suggestions are floating out there… ...
Read More »Xi Jinping and a New China?
The once in a decade transition of power has occurred with Xi Jinping now the President of the People’s Republic of China. As China continues to expand its economic and political power globally, Xi Jinping will have a lot of work ahead of him. Many continue to ponder the significance of the strategic natural resources in the Senkaku (or Diaoyu) Islands. With both China and Japan continuing to rattle their sabres over the islands. Some have been so bold as to suggest it may lead to war between the two countries. Most hope sense and diplomacy will instead prevail. Internally the country potentially faces a serious economic bubble in housing and with its banks’ balance sheets bloated with bad credit. For Xi Jinping, given his apparent reformist stance and dislike of cronyism, commentary falls as to whether China will move closer towards a more open and capitalist society. It may, however, move in ...
Read More »Keep Your Shirt On: You’d better Belieb it
Olivia Wilde incurred the wrath of the many Beliebers out there when she tweeted that Justin Bieber should keep his shirt on. The responses of over 17,000 hate-tweets were shot back at her. Which gave her ample material to joke about! Apart from showing she’s a good sport, if nothing else it demonstrated that the Beliebers can do two things: tweet and bite ankles. Meanwhile Justin himself is having a rough time, whether it’s showing up 2 hours late to his own concert (because he’s so rock and roll; but maybe less so than Noel Gallagher’s cat), or having rants including about how much he has achieved and he’s only 19. Some may ask whether it’s yet another child star imploding. Especially without the close guidance of his parents anymore. Or as the lads over at South Park may suggest, it’s going to be a very good corn harvest in the ...
Read More »A Humble New Pope?
“White smoke! White smoke!” They cried from across the Vatican courtyard. A choice had been made. Granted it seemed somewhat reminiscent of a scene from The DaVinci Code-related Angels & Demons film, although the ending hopefully won’t be so formulaic with a plodding narrative. With the Argentinean Jorge Mario Bergoglio now the new Pope Francis, many – if not most – in the media have reported on the man’s humbleness and humility. Of his taking the vow of poverty seriously. This has been asserted with statements such as him catching the bus to work, cooking his own meals, and living in a simple apartment. Are these claims truly that impressive? Or, is it part of a strategic new direction for the Catholic Church to reassure the everyman and the everywoman, that the new Pope Francis also shares their values? What are your thoughts on the media’s reporting? Whether sheep or shepherd (or ...
Read More »A Flying Monkey is best? Get your hands off me…
With the recent release of Oz the Great and Powerful, a film that many are describing as the Tin Man in the Emerald City – no heart and a lot of money spent – despite the fact that the original was an allegory on US monetary policy (who’d have thought), people are wondering several things. Has James Franco done it again. Let’s leave that rhetorical question unanswered. Notwithstanding Rise of the Planet of the Apes and now the links to the flying monkey (see how far Zach Braff has come since Scrubs ended), many are also wondering when it comes to simians, if the flying monkey is the best mythical pet. (Or minion, if you want to do evil. Perhaps being the anti-Google.) You may know exactly what you’re thinking, that’s easy enough. Predicting what the crowd is thinking is another matter. Maybe you should discard your brain of straw for a moment ...
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